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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Shalom Jerusalem

In the past couple of weeks I have been deeply burdened for Jerusalem, From the Ends of the Earth we love you and pray for your peace.

As I sleep I dream of Gods plans for you o city beloved, I see the giant wing of protection always hovering above you.

Before man even ventured onto the rock that was to become Salem. A place where Melchizedek worshiped and honoured the one true God.

A place where Abram who came from Ur took his only son
A place where God provided a lamb instead of Isaac

The place where over 3000 years ago David Ben Jesse again redeemed the
threshing floor

The place where Solomon built a temple and at its dedication the Glory of God fell so that no one could stand.

The place where the Prophets walked and spoke

The place of a second temple

The words and love of Messiah echoed in her courts & streets
his love expressed in a flow of blood from undeserved wounds
Tears expressed for its people. A place of Resurrection glory
Of tongues of fire and rushing winds, songs of redemption,
The rush of Angels wings, Guardians of the promise
have been heard through the generations.
Some even see the wings enfolding the mount called Zion.

Jerusalem city of God ~ Centre of the world ~
The heart beat of God is heard in you

The wings of the Hosts are fluttering over the city!

Psalm 122 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. May all who love this city prosper. O Jerusalem, may there be peace within your walls and prosperity in your palaces. For the sake of my family and friends, I will say, “Peace be with you.” For the sake of the house of the Lord our God, I will seek what is best for you, O Jerusalem.

Psalm 128 May the Lord continually bless you from Zion. May you see Jerusalem prosper as long as you live. May you live to enjoy your grandchildren. And may Israel have quietness and peace.

Psalm 129 May all who hate Jerusalem be turned back in shameful defeat

Psalm 132 For the Lord has chosen Jerusalem, he has desired it as his home. “This is my home where I will live forever,” he said. “I will live here, for this is the place I desired.I will make this city prosperous and satisfy its poor with food. I will make its priests the agents of salvation; its godly people will sing for joy.Here I will increase the power of David; my anointed one will be a light for my people

Psalm 146 The Lord will reign forever. O Jerusalem, your God is King in every generation!

Psalm 147 How good it is to sing praises to our God! How delightful and how right! The Lord is rebuilding Jerusalem and bringing the exiles back to Israel. He heals the brokenhearted, binding up their wounds.

Psalm 149 Praise the Lord! Sing to the Lord a new song. Sing his praises in the assembly of the faithful. O Israel, rejoice in your Maker. O people of Jerusalem, exult in your King. Praise his name with dancing, accompanied by tambourine and harp. For the Lord delights in his people; he crowns the humble with salvation. Let the faithful rejoice in this honor. Let them sing for joy as they lie on their beds. Let the praises of God be in their mouths, and a sharp sword in their hands— to execute vengeance on the nations and punishment on the peoples, to bind their kings with shackles and their leaders with iron chains, to execute the judgment written against them. This is the glory of his faithful ones. Praise the Lord!

Shalom! Shalom! Jerusalem ~ City of our God

It would be wise for men to keep their hands of that which obviously belongs to God!

From the Ends of the Earth we say Shalom Jerusalem

Ian Johnson

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Supernatural Encounters are for You

Before I was a Christian I seemed to have a lot of Spiritual experiences, (over 30 years ago) Most were not good encounters, all designed to hold me in fear of the supernatural realm. There were three beings who hassled me a lot as a Child, they weren’t nice at all. I once saw a huge horse and rider with open eye as he sped just above the ground along the road near our home.
When I became a Christian at the age of 18 all of this stopped, although I loved the moving of the Holy Spirit in my life and I had impressions of the spiritual realm. I didn’t "see" for many years. Mostly I think because my early experience had been negative.
I am greatly indebted to Kathie Walters for encouraging me that the supernatural realm & Angels are part of our inheritance as Sons of the most high God.(Kathie has some excellent teaching material and resources for sale on her website )
Many have been asking me about "How" to access the supernatural realm. So although I don’t have all the answers, I do have a desire to see all God’s children enjoy the realms of Glory.
Jesus said : "Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I assure you, anyone who doesn’t have their kind of faith will never get into the Kingdom of God." (Mark 10)
A loved Child generally always accepts that Father knows best, and is not afraid as long as the father is there also. This is the kind of Faith our Father delights in. When you, His child puts your total trust in God your Father, and says Daddy as long as you are with me I will be OK.
So step one is accepting that our supernatural Father lives in a supernatural world and wants to give us supernatural gifts. Accepting that, if we ask for a fish he won’t give us a stone. Come as a Child! Or with the faith of a child.
Hunger & thirst for all that the Lord has for us is naturally required, although you can’t force any thing. One thing supernatural Sons have learnt is that Jesus is our Sabbath rest. Hebrews 4:10 For he who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as God did from His.
The thing that limits us seeing into the supernatural, more than anything, is our frantic works and striving. God has a word for his Sons. "Chill out"
I’ve learnt that when the Father speaks, that is the time to listen, A good example of this was in the middle of a Jill Austin meeting I was really enjoying. The father said. Go and sit on the floor I want to show you something. Now I could have said, but I’m really enjoying this message and I might miss out on something. But I chose to sit on the floor and listen to the Lord.
Almost instantly I was carried in the spirit into a supernatural visitation. An Angel arrived, and instantly I was high above the clouds, much higher than I have been before you could see the arc of the Earth. I saw thousands, probably millions of chariots and Angels in groups of 3 to perhaps 30 all waiting. I asked "who are these and what are they doing," the Angel said "they wait" "Wait for what" I asked? "Instructions" his reply, "from the Lord" I asked? "No they already have instructions from the Lord; they wait for his people to see and to believe, He is the Lord of the harvest and he has harvesters assigned to instruct the host but most don’t see and don’t believe." "Are all these assigned to the harvest" I said? "Yes all" he said. "Come I need to show you more" I was in a place, on earth or in heaven I do not know. I saw millions all dressed in white and shining like the lightning’s of God, all shouting and praising and full of worship. The angel looked at me knowing my question; "these are the great cloud of witnesses cheering on the saints on earth they know that the saints of earth must command the host."I heard a voice loud and like liquid, "Tell my people I love to bless, and I love to full them with joy. Tell them to open their eyes to see; for they are not alone, I must bring in the harvest. This blessing I am sending out is for harvest, command the host, command the host!"
I could have missed it, if I had been more concerned with frantic learning, than listening to the Lords voice.
Step two then is rest in HIS works, this doesn’t mean you don’t do any thing, it just means we need to learn to do only what the Father asks us to do.
Kathie Walters says, God doesn’t anoint what you do, He anoints what he does! I love that saying, and it makes our walk so much more enjoyable.
Being Led by the Spirit is a natural expression of our supernatural walk. After all, Romans tells us, "Those who are led by the Spirit of God, are the Sons of God"
Recently I was talking to a dear friend who can’t see why seeing in the Spirit is all that important, She couldn’t see what relevance seeing Angels & Chariots, and supernatural signs had to being a Christian in 2007. My response is simple If we are being led by the Spirit as true Sons & Daughters, then we will have Spiritual experiences. On the other hand, if we are being led by Programs and a Greek mentality of excellence, which is really just another word for dead works we wont have spiritual encounters to the same level.
When I look at Church history most of the people who are remembered just wouldn’t cut it, in today's Greek thinking Church.
It requires a change of mindset, from Greek excellence to Hebrew belief in an excellent God, who does excellent things. Like all good Fathers desires to include His Children in his world, leading them into new adventures in the Spirit daily.
Step three is being Led by the Spirit. The more we allow ourselves to be led, the more Natural it seems to be in the Spirit.
For example Peter in Acts 12 was in prison, and an Angel came alongside him and dug him in the ribs and said get up, put your clothes on, and come with me.
So Peter left the cell, following the angel. But all the time he thought it was a vision. He didn’t realize it was really happening. They passed the first and second guard posts and came to the iron gate to the street, and this opened to them all by itself. So they passed through and started walking down the street, and then the angel suddenly left him. Peter finally realized what had happened. "It’s really true!" he said to himself.
Here is a good example of being Led in a very natural way, but he didn’t know if it was a dream or if it was real. I guarantee many of you who read this will say to yourself, I’ve had experiences just like that.
We have to learn to co-operate with our visions, that’s when they go from being dream like, to very vivid.
My first Chariot ride was just like that, Lying on the floor in a meeting I saw an Angel and chariot pull up beside me, not overly clear, but I knew it was there, The Angel said hop in, and I saw myself co-operating with the vision, and in an instant I was in the vision, it was real and clear see the testimony
Like Peter, there is often a moment of wondering, is this real or not. The more we co-operate with the Holy Spirit in our dreams and visions, the more we will walk in the supernatural. But don’t be discouraged if you are not sure, because when Peter had his Acts 12 experience, He had just finished having his Acts 10 experience, which was the vision of the clean & unclean animals, and His call to include the Gentiles.
Its ok to wonder, but don’t let the wondering turn to unbelief. Just keep co-operating with the dream or vision until it is more real and clear.
Be alert to the prompting of the Holy Spirit. I have had experiences with Angels and supernatural events, especially concerning other countries and ministries that have caused me to ask the Lord, why he was showing me. His answer has always been the same, He had tried to speak to others but they don’t obey the prompting to come aside.
One example of this is when the Lord showed me his plan for Portugal, I felt the prompting of the Lord to come aside, I obeyed and very quickly I was confronted with the Angel of Portugal, very awesome, the experience is recounted on my website at the bottom of the Chariots testimony.
The language of the bible is full of, Come aside, follow me, Come up here. I’m sure I miss it as well, but I am learning to obey the promptings of the Holy Spirit, no matter how inconvenient they may seem at the time.
Many of you will be getting ready to have a break over Christmas, and I know many use this time to seek the Lord. Just remember to be like a Child, rest in His works, be led by the Spirit of God and obey the prompting of the Holy Spirit. It may just open the gate into 2008. As Sons & Daughters soar in the Spirit this holiday season.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

A Greater Glory is coming

There has been a decade of signs & wonders pointing to a greater glory to come. but really only a reflection of the greater glory, simply visible manifestations of something far greater to come. The greater glory is the Lord Himself. A revelation of His glory, The time of open eye visions of the Lord, of seeing him beyond what our feeble understanding is currently capable of. In the same way that we have five senses in the natural; See, hear, smell, touch, taste. we are to experience God with five spiritual senses as well? The Lord is bringing us to the time when His glory will be revealed, and men will fall down. Habakkuk 3 I see God, the Holy One, moving across the deserts, His brilliant splendour fills the heavens, and the earth is filled with his praise! What a wonderful God he is! Rays of brilliant light flash from his hands. He rejoices in his awesome power.Pestilence marches before him; plague follows close behind. When he stops, the earth shakes. When he looks, the nations tremble. He shatters the everlasting mountains and levels the eternal hills. Was it in anger, Lord, that you struck the rivers and parted the sea? Were you displeased with them? No, you were sending your chariots of salvation! You were commanding your weapons of power! You split open the earth with flowing rivers! The mountains watched and trembled. Onward swept the raging waters. The mighty deep cried out, lifting its hands to the Lord. The lofty sun and moon began to fade, obscured by brilliance from your arrows and the flashing of your glittering spear. You marched across the land in awesome anger and trampled the nations in your fury. You went out to rescue your chosen people, to save your anointed ones verse 16: I trembled inside when I heard all this; my lips quivered with fear. My legs gave way beneath me,and I shook in terror. A greater glory is coming, It is the Lord himself, Legs will tremble & lips will quiver. If Moses and the Children of Israel could walk in amazing Glory, Signs & wonders in Egypt, burning bush, clouds of glory, pillars of fire, supernatural Mana, supernatural preservation of shoes & cloths, Angelic intervention, Audible voice of God, one on one encounters with the Lord, Signs & WONDERS; (Including, sea parting, Supernatural trumpet blasts, the finger of God writing on rock, and donkeys talking, flashing lightning's of God and rolling thunders of his presence.) This is only the former Rains. If the Apostles & early church could walk in Miracles & wonders, Angelic encounters and instructions, face to face instructions from the Lord, heavenly visitations, Resurrection glory as demonstrated first by the Lord, then in the life of the believers. Transportation & transformation visions & dreams, Audible voice of the Lord, the heavens & the earth shaking and nations transformed. This is only the latter rains Then the combination of The former & the Latter rains is upon us. An exploding glory of miracles, signs, wonders, provision, visitations, transportations. When he himself shows his glory, and we bow down low & tremble. Its new and its amazing, Its far beyond anything the earth has ever seen, although heaven has always been like this. Think about it! Heaven.... Full view of His Glory (See) Heaven ...full knowledge of the saints & Angels in worship (hearing) Heaven... Flowers and perfumes from heaven (smell) Heaven.... The fruits that grow by the river, the food of heaven (taste) Heaven... experiencing the rooms Music.. treasury..revelation.. word (touch) As it is in Heaven, so shall it be on Earth! This is the greater glory, we have no real idea of the expanse of this glory, only a hint in the book of Job. JOB 26:5-14 “The dead tremble in their place beneath the waters. The underworld is naked in God’s presence. There is no cover for the place of destruction. God stretches the northern sky over empty space and hangs the earth on nothing. He wraps the rain in his thick clouds, and the clouds do not burst with the weight. He shrouds his throne with his clouds. He created the horizon when he separated the waters; he set the boundaries for day and night. The foundations of heaven tremble at his rebuke. By his power the sea grew calm. By his skill he crushed the great sea monster. His Spirit made the heavens beautiful, and his power pierced the gliding serpent. “These are some of the minor things he does, merely a whisper of his power. Who can understand the thunder of his power?” We think of the Glory of God in the terms of mans thinking, but his glory is far beyond our finite mind. Far beyond our feeble understanding, far beyond that which has ever been written about or spoken of. This is the glory about to be revealed in the next ten years, men will see it and fall face down in awe and wonder. We have seen a reflection of glory demonstrated through His servants, we have seen some signs & wonders, we have seen miracles, we have caught a glimpse of some aspects of heaven & His majesty, demonstrated through His servants. But these things are merely a whisper of His power. Think about it for a few minutes. Imagine the thunder of the act of creating the stars & the planets Imagine the thunder of the earth forming by his finger Imagine the thunder of the expanse of the void becoming substance These are some of the minor things he does, The greatest explosion of glory is about to be released in the earth! your ministry & mine are about to change forever No longer are we coming in a glory anointing or a fire anointing or a whatever else anointing. We are to become ushers, simply pointing to the greater glory, the unfathomable riches and the supreme majesty of the one who sets the boundaries for day and night. Oh that we would decrease that he might increase. John the Baptist is again crying in the wilderness, prepare ye the way of the Lord. Blessings & Love Ian Johnson